Why isn’t software more secure?

What makes software insecure? What vulnerabilities are there in software? Why are they always discovering new holes & vulnerabilities in our software and systems? Doesn’t testing take care of these problems? What’s an enterprise to do about insecure software?

Is your software stable or static?

In most professions, it’s good to have stability in the things you work with. With software, stability is good, but often we confuse static with stable. They are not the same. Static software decays and becomes useless.

Why is software maintenance so expensive?

When we purchase a piece of software – even as a service – we tend to think that the major expense is finished with the purchase price.  But it’s not true.  Whether you buy, build your own, or rent software, it always costs more in ongoing expenses than the initial price.  Why? Developing software is […]

Why is it so hard to get good software?

Once we get over our wonder at the broad capabilities of software running on modern computers and devices, we begin to ask why so much of the software we use is of questionable quality. Between vulnerabilities to malware and constant updates to correct problems, it seems that software is never stable and reliable. Why?

Success always looks easy

With all the news about IT projects that go bad, you would think that we’d hear more news about projects that go well.  Then we could just copy down the “best practices” that led to the success and – voilà – our projects would come out perfectly every time. But life is not so simple.  […]

Stranger ways to fail

In the last article, I gave three reasons for IT project failure.  These are not the only ways to fail!  In this article I describe failure modes I’ve seen that are much less conventional – and harder to overcome without serious dedication at the top. Here are the three reasons from last time: They’re not […]

Three causes of IT project failure

IT projects often don’t get done.  Not just done late, but not done at all.  Industry statistics show that over 50% of major IT projects are not regarded as successful. They get abandoned because they’re too late or because they’re so far over budget that the sponsors give up.  Many more deliver something, but not […]

Software, software everywhere

Software is different from other technical stuff.  It’s abstract, invisible, and runs at extremely high speed.  So the people who are good at working with software tend to be different from “ordinary” engineers.  They have to be good at visualizing the abstract processes and the mathematical algorithms that make up the procedures implemented in software. […]